Posted On: 2018-06-24 08:59:55


Makes about 1½ cups


4 cloves garlic, peeled

2 egg yolks

1 potato, peeled & cooked

1 tsp Dijon mustard

¼ cup white vinegar

pinch salt

freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1 cup canola oil

carrot sticks

courgette sticks



Place garlic in mortar & crush with a pestle.

Add egg yolks, potato, mustard, vinegar, salt & pepper & mix well.

Slowly add oil to make a thick mayonnaise.

Transfer to a jar, cover & refrigerate until required.

Serve with carrot & courgette sticks.


To boil potatoes:

Place potatoes in a saucepan & add sufficient lightly salted cold water to just cover.

Place a lid on the saucepan & bring to the boil as quickly as possible, reduce heat & simmer gently.

Cook for 15-20 minutes or until tender when tested with a skewer or tip of a knife.

Add extra boiling water if necessary.

Drain & serve.


Note: Always simmer vegetables as vigorous boiling will cause some vegetables to break up.


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